For more than two decades we have worked on the subject of apparel production worldwide. Many turns we took, bringing us to almost every part of the world. The markets are yet again changing rapidly with brands, retailers and other buyers of white-label apparel in need of flexible capacities in specific regions. Moreover, the market today requires the highest level of compliance when it comes to environmental and social standards. To create a solid and sustainable offer, the APPAREL SOURCING CLUB was founded in 2022, to provide a long-term and stable platform, serving both, manufacturers and buyers of apparel.
Organization: The Apparel Sourcing CLUB
The CLUB brings together apparel brands, retailers, intermediaries, start-ups – anyone interested in producing apparel products with international verified manufacturers. It is a club for professionals operating in the apparel, fashion and the textile sector, in Europe and worldwide. Next to the DAY hosted at least once a year, the profiles of manufacturers are available on a continuous basis, members can always contact the club for information and advice on manufacturers, on markets and on any other issue of interest or concern members would like to share with a
sector specialist. Regular market information on selected sourcing markets are published as part of the club’s service portfolio. Moreover, the club will provide preferential access to publicly funded projects in support of the sector, nothing each one company can do alone.
Event: The Apparel Sourcing Club-DAY
The DAY is a simple and straight forward meeting point, the culmination of our yearly work done in the regions, with the manufacturers and the European companies. We keep it short (one-day only), down to the point, bringing together those people that need to talk. The profiles of manufacturers are accessible online, the visitors pick those who they would like to meet, we plan an agenda with meetings lasting in average 30-40 minutes, the meeting takes place! As said, the organizer knows all manufacturers and has visited most of them at their premises: Knowing what is required on the European market, no time is wasted for both sides. On 25 May 2023 in Frankfurt – Germany, the focus was placed on manufacturers located in close vicinity of the European market: Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina Egypt, Moldova, Morocco, North Macedonia, Tunisia, Serbia, Ukraine and more, covering the full apparel and fashion portfolio, as well as Corporate Fashion and Workwear.